Theater Stap,
'Pia Madre' is an exuberant, intoxicating ritual that no one seems to get.COLOFON
Liesbeth De Hertogh, Jelle Palmaerts, Jason Van Laere, Marc Wagemans, Gert Wellens :actors Theater Stap
Bo Spaenc: compsition and musical guidance
Karel Tuytschaever : direction and light
Elisabeth Ward : direction assistent
Liesa Van der Aa: play and songs
Bert Bernaerts, Pieter Thys, Marc Bryssinck: live-music
Chris Snik : costumes
Steven Brijs : scenografical assistance
Elvis Peeters : text (shortlist AKO LITERATUURPRIJS 2012, shortlist LIBRIS LITERATUURPRIJS 2013, LONGLIST GOUDEN BOEKENUIL 2013)
Production: DE KOLONIEMT en Theater Stap